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Corporate Governance Best Practices

Corporate governance contains a series of practices, processes, and rules that aim to organize a company and facilitate its growth.

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Accounting auditing helping your company

Any company benefits from an accounting auditing team that works in an environment with computerized systems appropriate to the company's business and where routine processes and internal controls exist.

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When an assessment report is necessary

There are various types of corporate restructurings provided for in the joint-stock law (law no. 6,404/76), the securities commission and the Brazilian civil code (law no. 10,406/02).

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Capital market - what it is and how it works

The capital market is the segment of the financial system responsible for the intermediation of negotiations between fund-raisers to finance projects and investors.

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The role of auditing applied to the third sector

The auditing of the third sector plays an important role, as it will clearly and accurately demonstrate the facts and operational activities of the entities that make up this important sector.

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How accounting auditing can help your company

The main objective of the accounting audit is to verify the transparency of accounting, financial and economic information, ensuring that the figures disclosed to the most varied interested parties are true.

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Advantages of outsourced accounting

Companies have the possibility to prioritize the main activity, based on the outsourcing of support activities, such as accounting, taxes, payroll and finance.

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What is cybersecurity

Cybersecurity today is already a fundamental item for protection against attacks and the use of security strategies are essential to achieve more assertive protection.

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What is the selic rate and its impacts on the economy

Observing selic oscillations over the years helps in understanding economic and monetary policies.

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New regulation on plural voting and the composition of the management bodies of publicly traded companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) issued CVM Resolution No. 168 (CVM Resolution 168), which addresses issues such as the composition of boards of directors and plural voting in publicly traded companies.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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