Our expertise in Agribusiness is the result of several projects carried out in companies in the sector within the accounting, financial, commercial, technological and operational context. Next to this, we present some of our services.
Financial management support (cash flow, costs, etc.)
Consultancy for process improvement
Strategic and operational planning
Rural Insurance Review
Planning - family succession
Technological innovation and energy efficiency
Tax advice
Internal Controls and Risk Management
ESG — Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
Carbon Credits
Consulting for manufacturers and distributors of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).
Consulting for rural producers (agriculture, livestock and forest)
Consulting for agro-industries
Consultancy for distributors and retailers
Our auditing area has professionals with more than 25 years of experience verifying records, transactions, documents related to accounting activities, and records.
Independent external auditing (for presentation to Management, shareholders and financial institutions, among others)
Audit of suppliers and service providers (validation of processes, contractual compliance and documents)
Specific auditing of processes and areas (purchasing, inventories, financial, logistics, etc.)
Tax auditing (compliance with ancillary obligations, rates and tax requirements)
Asset and inventory auditing
Audit of works and improvements
Diligence for various purposes
Special work from pre-agreed auditing procedures
In the practice of Wealth Control and Planning, we provide consulting services to assist in the proper management of your assets, with the support of a specialized team and technology.
Land, Civil Works and Equipment Assessment Report
Inventory valuation report
Patrimonial Inventory
Inventory and inventory counting
Physical versus accounting reconciliation
Plating (including RFID) for asset control
Control and identification for livestock
Control and identification for crops
Control and identification for warehouses, silos and machines
Control and identification for management, sawmills and timber mills
Correct tax management brings greater competitiveness and also allows the reduction of risks through the correct provision of information to supervisory bodies. We assist in the search for the best tax model and in the review of the bases for calculating and complying with tax obligations and requirements.
Review of tax calculations (IRPJ, CSLL, IPI, PIS, COFINS, IOF, ICMS and ISS)
Review and calculation of the exclusion of the ICMS in the Pis and Cofins calculation base
Review of labor and social security calculations
Advice for the recovery, control and monetization of tax credits
Advice on the identification and calculation of tax incentives
Transfer prices
Review and drafting of ancillary obligations (DIPJ, SPED Fiscal, EFD-Contributions, DACON, DCTF, ECD, ECF, Block K and others)
Electronic audit to assess the quality of the information transmitted to the Tax Authorities
Review of the registration and tax classifications of goods and study of economic and financial viability
Advice on tax regime migration processes
In the practice of Corporate Finance, we provide financial advisory services with the objective of reorganizing your business, supporting transactions, capital solutions (M&A-Mergers and Acquisitions or Debt), as well as business viability and valuations. Our goal is to present the best existing solutions on the market to our clients.
Full advice on mergers, acquisitions (M&A) and sales transactions, including conducting or supporting negotiations
Economic and financial viability assessment and study
Technical and operational due diligence assessment for the benefit of employees
Valuation reports for marking financial instruments and contracts at fair value
Valuation of intangible assets (CPC 04/CPC 15)
Evaluation of biological assets (CPC 29)
Impairment Report (CPC 01)
Purchase Price Allocation Report for accounting (CPC 15) and tax purposes
Advice on raising financial resources
National Company
Global Performance
A GLOBAL ALLINIAL TACTICis recognized for its competence in working in Agribusiness and in other various segments.
Countries of Performance
+ 4.5 thousand Partners
Our partners are examples of dedication and competence, driving the company's future.
+ 42 thousand Collaborators
The success of our company is the result of teamwork and a lot of commitment.
Our Team
Ricardo Massera
Audit and Consulting Partner
Ricardo has more than 16 years of experience in consulting and auditing. Since 2017, he has been a partner at TATICCA, leading the auditing and consulting areas of the Curitiba office and the newest office in Alta Floresta. With a tenure at EY for 5 years and Baker Tilly Brazil for 4 years, he was responsible for projects in the Agribusiness, Electric Energy, Sanitation, Gas, Automotive, Chemical, Ports, Logistics and industries in general.
He has a degree in Management from UFPR and in Accounting from UNISUL, in addition to an MBA in Electrical Sector from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and in Agribusiness from USP/Esalq. It is affiliated with the Regional Accounting Council (CRC), the Regional Board of Directors (CRA) and the National Register of Independent Auditors (CNAI), with QTG and CVM qualifications.
He has been working since 1990 in accounting, independent auditing, and financial and accounting consultancy in BRGAAP, USGAAP, IFRS and IPSAS. Partner at TATICCA since 2014, he worked at Actus Auditores from 1990 to 1995 and EY Auditors from 1995 to 2014. Master in Accounting and Actuarial Sciences from PUC/São Paulo, postgraduate degree in Business Management from UFPR/Curitiba, degree in Accounting from FURB/Blumenau. Certified in International Accounting by the ACCA/UK and in International Auditing Standards by the ACCA/UK. Registration with the CVM, IBRACON, the CNAI and the CRC.
Specialist in regulated segments. Professor at FIPECAFI, FGV, IOB/SAGE. Director at ANEFAC. Director at IBRACON. Member of the Energy and Gas Working Groups at IBRACON and the Concessions Working Groups at the CFC. Co-author of books
With more than 30 years working in the area of tax consultancy, and for 14 years at EY, where, in recent years, he served as director responsible for the offices in Blumenau and Curitiba.
Extensive knowledge of tax consultancy services in tax planning, corporate restructuring and international taxation, for companies of various sizes, including family, publicly traded and multinational companies. Master's degree in management from PUCPR, specialization in auditing from UFSC and a bachelor's degree in Accounting from FURB. Registered member of the CRC. Undergraduate and graduate professor at PUCPR and other educational institutions. He acts as a tax advisor and consultant in companies in the region.