Currently, from industry to retail and from education to finance, practically every sector is already investing in the metaverse. And before commenting on the possibilities of investing in this segment, it is important to reinforce its definition.
The metaverse is a network of virtual worlds that uses virtual and augmented reality technologies, providing the user with an immersion in the replica of reality, focusing on social connections. This immersion can be done through accessories such as glasses and mittens, connected to smartphones or computers. Enthusiasts of the topic believe that this is the future of the internet.
Although the metaverse is recent, there are already discussions about its relationship with the investment market. In addition to the fact that the adoption of this technology strengthens the bond and favors shareholder engagement, there are also possibilities for investments in the metaverse. For example, buying assets from certain companies that are betting on this technology is already one of the possibilities and expectations for the results of this market.
Other of these possibilities involve, for example, buying cryptocurrency, renting or buying spaces or properties, buying shares in companies that are in the metaverse, in addition to NFTs, which are objects created inside and outside the metaverse for purchase and sale on marketplaces. In addition to this direct investment, there is also a movement of investors interested in speculating these assets, with the intention of obtaining a profit in the short term, as asset prices fluctuate. While not considered an investment strategy, it allows multiple assets to be used to make a profit.
Although the risk is high because they are very recent assets, there is already talk of the potential to invest in the metaverse, which attracts the attention of investors as an option to diversify their portfolio.
These possibilities raise doubts about the impacts for those who do not choose to invest in the metaverse. If the market really appreciates, these investors may miss opportunities. The fact is that the investment market is growing rapidly and undergoing modifications, according to the numerous possibilities that are emerging. It is therefore up to investors to be aware and to follow the evolution of technology, to know the right time to take advantage of opportunities.
(Glades Chuery - Director of New Business)
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