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Auditing and its impact on the third sector

Auditing is an important tool in the management of the third sector, which encompasses non-profit organizations, as they have to deal with financial resources, such as donations, grants, agreements, and other forms of funding.

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Automation as a support in financial processes

Process automation continues to play an important role in digital transformation, and many companies that adopted this new emerging technology have certainly benefited from it.

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Career in auditing

A career in auditing is a challenging career, but it can also be very rewarding. To be a good auditing professional, a solid knowledge of accounting, finance, and regulation is important.

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Opportunities that will impact accounting in the coming years

Accounting is undergoing a major digital transformation and technology is rapidly changing the way it is carried out. There are several changes that are impacting and will continue to impact accounting.

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Metaverse and the capital market

The metaverse is an increasingly popular concept in technology and already has applications in many areas, including gaming, entertainment, education, business, and more. Its growing popularity has attracted many investors.

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Accounting and ESG

In the context of ESG, accounting plays a vital role in providing information about the company's performance in relation to its issues.

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Importance of auditing for business

Many entrepreneurs still ask if they should actually carry out an external audit in their company. In cases of non-obligation, the real need for a cost of hiring an auditor is still subject to doubt.

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Use corporate communication to positively impact your business

With accelerating globalization and new forms of integration between people, corporate communication became extremely necessary for the growth of your company.

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Metaverse bringing new opportunities for investors

Currently, from the retail industry and from education to finance, practically every sector already invests in the metaverse. Before commenting on the possibilities of investing in this segment, it is important to reinforce its definition.

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Tips for organizing your business's cash flow

When available resources are not sufficient to cover the expenses of your business's operating activities, you need to evaluate how the money is entering your cash register and where it is destined.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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