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MP 1185 provides rules and guidelines for tax credit on investment grants given by federal entities, states, and municipalities

The federal government published MP 1185/2023 last Thursday (31/08), which contains rules and guidelines for tax credit on investment grants, with the purpose of implementing or expanding the economic enterprise.

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Presumed profit — property sale activity

Consultation solution 4,028 from the regional superintendence of the Federal Revenue Service 4th region, dated July 28 (DoU dated 3/8/2023), was published, which deals with the percentage of presumed profit to be applied to revenues resulting from the sale.

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Financial auditing as an important process in companies

Financial auditing is a process that consists of examining a company's financial statements to determine their accuracy, integrity, and compliance with applicable accounting standards and regulations.

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MP minimum wage and income tax schedule adjustments

The joint committee that analyzed MP 1172/23 approved the rapporteur's text on 08/08/2023, which, in addition to including a permanent policy for correcting the minimum wage, incorporated the correction of the income tax schedule into the proposal.

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Effectiveness of accounting outsourcing in companies

Accounting outsourcing involves hiring a specialized firm to manage the company's financial and accounting activities, freeing internal employees to focus on other business areas.

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The advancement of discussions about the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) in Brazil

Although there is still no specific regulation on AI in force in the country, many discussions take place about the need to regulate AI to ensure its ethical and responsible use.

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New transfer pricing law

On June 15, 2023, law 14,596 was published on the conversion of provisional measure (MP) 1,152/22, which deals with transfer prices. Another step towards the announced changes.

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Auditing in family businesses helping with business continuity and success

Family businesses face a series of challenges that can affect their performance and even their long-term continuity.

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Tax reform scenario

On July 7, 2023, the House of Representatives approved the replacement of the proposed constitutional amendment (pec) No. 45/2019, which provides for the consumer tax reform.

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The future of accounting increasingly connected with technology

With the development of intelligent systems, accounting has benefited from new tools capable of automating and improving accounting routines.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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