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Some auditing challenges during the pandemic

Performing an auditing activity normally means for the auditor to serve their client promptly.

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Future accounting from the point of view of the accountant

Traditionally, the role of the accounting professional has been associated with the professional's image.

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Accounting as an information tool

Accounting aims to provide reliable information about the economic and financial reality of a company;

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The accounting of the future

In the current scenario, many economic opinion forums are making predictions about the future of accounting.

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Process auditing and the auditor's profile

A business process is an integral part of an organizational system controlled by management personnel.

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Auditing challenges in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

In the auditing process, the accountant also provides his opinion on the company's real financial health, generating indicators that facilitate planning and decision-making.

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The importance of auditing and its main types

The importance of auditing and its main types

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The use of technology in continuous auditing

Continuous auditing has the potential to change the traditional auditing paradigm, for a continuous review of all transactions that can strengthen an organization's risk management and business processes.

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Pillars for implementing digital transformation in your company

The transition to the digital future accelerated with the Covid-19 pandemic and if before we identified habits and behaviors that would take years to change, we realized that little by little they are already consolidating.

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Accounting auditing and its importance

The benefits of accounting auditing are reflected in society, promoting the credibility and veracity of information, which contributes to the stability of companies and, consequently, the guarantee of jobs.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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