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The role of auditing in companies

Although the vast majority of companies were not prepared for the current moment, with structured continuity plans, most of them already had experienced internal and external auditing teams.

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The importance of implementing the LGPD in the field of labor relations

One of the most important contexts for considering the implementation of the LGPD as a priority in action planning is the labor environment.

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Some impacts of the LGPD in the tax area

The general data protection law - LGPD has impacts on individuals and legal entities with regard to the processing of citizen data.

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Impacts of compliance with the LGPD on the industry

As in other sectors, changes in the processing of personal data to comply with the LGPD will also impact the way industries work.

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First steps to implement the LGPD

The year 2020 was marked by the validity of the LGPD. That is why it is essential that managers move quickly to implement the LGPD, so that their businesses are adapted to the new legislation.

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Credit from PIS and COFINS on LGPD costs - understanding of the decision of the 4th federal court of Campo Grande (MS)

The LGPD - general law on the protection of personal data (law No. 13,709, dated 14/8/2018) establishes guidelines for the form of collection, processing and storage.

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Auditing challenges in digitization processes

These same trends are observed in the auditing field.

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Audit, efficient and reliable operation

Taking into account that the audit is performed to evaluate financial activities and related issues, professionals must remember to be thorough and to pay attention to every detail.

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The annual audit helping with the continuity of your business

Benefits of conducting an annual audit may not be immediately apparent, they can save you headaches and money in the long run.

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Importance of complying with the LGPD in the hospital sector

Today's society is already considered informational and with the popularization of the internet, the advancement of artificial intelligence and big data.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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