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Co-sourcing de auditoria interna e seus benefícios

Um número cada vez maior de empresas está usando profissionais de terceirização de auditoria interna para preencher eventuais lacunas e atender às suas necessidades.

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Society 5Pto0 - technology promoting quality of life

The social impacts of the concept of industry 4.0, as a new way of operating business and the increase in digitalization also lead to changes in society, and this impact on society is called society 5.0.

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How agile methodologies bring benefits to your company

While traditional organizational structures struggle to adapt their processes and outcomes quickly enough, organizations that adopt an agile methodology approach thrive with change.

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Home office as a permanent trend in companies

With the pandemic of Covid-19, there was a need for companies to allocate their employees to a home office. One wonders if when vaccination predominates, they will feel safe to return to the business environment again.

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Internal Audit Co-sourcing

Solution-oriented company leaders appreciate and embrace the concept of supplementing resources in a variety of creative ways, including internal audit outsourcing, also called co-sourcing.

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Benefits of outsourcing your accounting

When you become a business owner through great ideas, products that innovate, or the expertise necessary to offer, outsourcing accounting frees up time, energy, and capital to expand your business.

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Finance and accounting — trends for 2021

The areas of finance and accounting have faced challenges since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Professionals in these areas use their knowledge to solve complex issues and bring innovative solutions.

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Asset control report for companies in the electricity sector

Over the years, ANEEL and professionals in the Brazilian electricity sector have been updating the rules and procedures for the registration and control of assets adopted by dealerships, licensees and authorized...

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Process auditing as a business practice

Process auditing is already seen as a business practice, even in cases of suspicion about irregularities in the organization's functioning.

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Digitalization - a challenge for business

Covid-19 caused dramatic effects on the world economy and the growth in the daily use of technology by individuals and companies to face this exceptional situation is evidence of the digital acceleration process.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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