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Improving tools for conducting the audit

The Covid-19 pandemic amplified existing threats and created new risks for organizations to assess;

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Auditing as an essential activity for the success of your company

Following appropriate auditing procedures assists companies in, in addition to evaluating their financial situation properly.

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The relevance of IFRS training in accounting jobs

The last few years have brought many new challenges for accounting professionals. Thus, the profession must keep up with the changes, which impact the economy and all business sectors.

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Auditing and its benefits for cooperatives

When carried out by a specialized and committed company, the cooperative audit guarantees fast and consistent results.

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Some technical criteria for issuing an accounting assessment report

Every corporate reorganization, whose objectives in companies are diverse, as planned, requires an accounting assessment report.

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Audit of processes in times of pandemic

Risk assessments in the current environment are different, clients are dealing with significant changes in their business, the work environment, and the economy in general as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Cooperatives are required to carry out audits

Ensuring an annual audit of the cooperative's financial records serves to certify that the amounts presented correspond to reality and must be validated by a company that performs a cooperative audit.

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Value your company's assets with accounting training

Many business owners already recognize that their employees are their greatest asset, but this concept goes further. The fact is, that, their greatest asset is a motivated and well-trained team.

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Technology creating opportunities in accounting

Technology today allows accounting professionals to connect more effectively with the businesses they serve, prioritizing advice with integrated systems to work alongside their clients.

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The importance of the accounting valuation report in the incorporation of companies

Many business owners are uncertain about the real value of their business at the time of an incorporation and need to find an accountant with experience in accounting valuation reports.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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