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Improve your company's management with process auditing

An audit is also used to verify that processes are operating within specified limits and achieving the goals stipulated by the organization.

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Aspects of implementing continuous auditing

Implementing a continuous auditing model may be more complicated at first, but it's a process that grows as the maturity and understanding of the auditing function grows.

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Skills needed by auditing professionals in the digital age

Creating and using data has become a daily aspect of our lives, including for auditing professionals.

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Understand the structure of continuous auditing

Increased corporate responsibility and regulatory pressure drive auditing professionals;

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Accounting auditing and its functions

The accounting audit performs a necessary function to ensure that the company is not only being true in its financial reports, but also that the company's operations are working as expected.

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Technological innovations in auditing

Organizations are undergoing major changes due to the growing use of informationtechnology. The digitization of processes and the development of new businessmodels are reshaping the corporate landscape.

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Digitalization in auditing

Technological disruption has required a review and significant expansion of the knowledge base by aspiring accountants and auditing professionals.

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The importance of the auditing professional

Audit professionals play an absolutely vital role in our capital markets.

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Role of internal auditing in companies

The main objective of internal auditing is to evaluate and help the management of companies to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner.

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Accounting auditing and its value as a profession

External auditors are certified accountants who work independently of a company.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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