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Some good practices of due diligence in cybersecurity

Due diligence is part of any acquisition and is a process in which earnings, pending litigation, are analyzed.

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8 tips that can make your accounting routine easier

At the end of the year, after closing your accounting and completing your annual auditing work, you don't find yourself thinking about how you could facilitate your routines so that the next year will be lighter and without unnecessary stress.

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What is continuous auditing and what are its benefits

Have you heard about continuous auditing, sometimes referred to as continuous compliance monitoring?

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7 habits of a highly effective accounting department

If you've ever taken a deep breath and thought, “I wish my accounting department were more effective,” you're not alone.

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What is mental accounting

Mental accounting was mentioned in a theory by Richard H. Thaler, winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in economics.

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Declaration of cryptoassets for revenue

If you invest money in cryptoassets, such as Bitcons, for example, you may have questions about regulatory instruction (in) 1,888 of 2019.

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Continuing Education Program

With the dynamics of the current market, in constant and accelerated changes, it was necessary to improve the knowledge of professionals.

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Audit for construction works and projects

Audits of construction works and projects are required by organizations from various sectors, regardless of size and purpose.

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New profile of the accounting professional

In 2017, with the introduction of Law No. 11,638, which amends and repeals provisions of Act No. 6,404, which provides for joint stock companies in 1976, accounting in Brazil underwent a major transformation.

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Process auditing

A process audit is an inspection that is highly focused on internal systems, processes, and organizations.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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