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Simplifying the Digital Transformation Approach

Intelligently observing and deploying these technology requirements is what it means to truly digitize your business. Investing time and money in a digital business is becoming competitive in the long term.

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Taticca — Allinial Global celebrates 6 years in Brazil in 2020

Allinial Global celebrated 50 years in 2019, with a presence in more than 80 countries and here since 2014, taticca has about 150 professionals distributed in 7 offices that serve all Brazilian regions.

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Shared Services Center

The shared services center aims to align and centralize the execution of the work of different areas of a company.

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The importance of making a training plan

Regardless of the size of the company you run, it's important to remember that learning is an experience. Although it may seem like a lengthy exercise, it's essential to define a company training plan.

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Accounting valuation report on the purchase, incorporation, merger and division of companies

There are many reasons for an individual or company to request an accounting valuation report for some or all of their assets.

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Social contribution employer quota on maternity salary recognized unconstitutionality

The supreme court recognized, on 04/08/2020, in the context of general repercussions - topic 72, the unconstitutionality of the incidence of the contribution.

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Technological trends for companies

The three main pillars of the governance of any company are: technology, people and processes. In 2020, the atypical year in which we live, some trends stand out and promise to advance more quickly.

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Covid-19 and employee benefit plan commitments in the 2020 financial statements

Covid-19 and the declining interest rate scenario increase the need to reinforce care when preparing financial statements in 2020.

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Issuance of an accounting assessment report

The issuance of the accounting valuation report may seem like a simple task, but it requires advanced calculations and a complete understanding of accounting standards.

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Why invest in employee training

By doing the work necessary for your company to meet business objectives, your employees become your greatest asset. Effective training can provide them with essential skills.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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