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Accounting valuation report in corporate reorganizations

Along with mergers, divisions, and mergers of companies, come procedures regulated by accounting principles, and also the need for an accounting assessment report.

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New accountant roles in times of crisis

The Covid-19 crisis has negative long-term effects on our economy, but the accountant is able to help minimize the negative impacts of companies, through an accounting consultancy.

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What You Need to Know About Accounting Training

Accounting is the defining essence of commerce, industry, and services and, therefore, accounting training is particularly important for those seeking to be an entrepreneur.

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New roles of the internal auditor in times of crisis

Internal auditing teams are adapting to the current reality, presenting an even more collaborative role with managers, who need to be aware of the company's routines.

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Cloud computing auditing

Cloud computing is transforming business IT services, but it also presents significant risks that need to be planned.

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The importance of professional accounting training

Currently, continuous training is a necessity in several professions, including accounting.

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Covid-19 and the impairment of water

There are still uncertainties about how much the pandemic will affect company results and with a slowdown already evident, companies expect to recognize losses due to the devaluation of assets in their DF's.

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Disputes between shareholders

Situations involving allegations of unfair distribution between business partners, so-called “shareholder disputes”, generally do not have an easy and clear path to a resolution.

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The importance of technology in accounting

Online accounting eliminates red tape, using simple and intuitive platforms that provide direct channels to clients, in addition to information and documents that can be digitized.

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Elevate business processes with robotics process automation

Robotics process automation (rpa) continues to play an important role in the digital transformation that occurs across the business world.

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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