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Priorities of leaders regarding post-pandemic recovery from Covid-19

Many companies were not prepared to deal with crises of proportions such as the current Covid-19 pandemic and that is why we noticed many leaders acting in various ways to face it.

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6 financial management tips - especially in times of crisis

Moments of crisis such as the one we are experiencing require entrepreneurs to pay attention to financial control, due to implications such as a drop in revenue, reduction in customers and production, absence of employees, etc.

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Business process modeling and its benefits

The evolutions in management tools provide opportunities to reduce costs using bpm (business process modeling) platforms, with process design adapted to the company's reality and easy customization.

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Avanço da indústria 40 em tempos de covid-19

Com a pandemia da covid-19 a importância da transformação digital toma gigantescas proporções, principalmente no âmbito industrial.

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Fraud in companies

On the path to success, companies face numerous risks, whether economic, regulatory, technology, supply chain, as well as the risks of fraud.

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How to prevent fraud while working remotely

With the Covid-19 epidemic, companies have adopted remote work as a preventive measure. However, not all of them are prepared for this model, which also requires safety and care measures to prevent fraud.

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Advantages of adequately controlling fixed assets (fixed assets) and the need for performance testing (impairment)

For most companies, fixed assets represent a significant capital investment, so it is essential that accounting be applied correctly.

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Automating processes with RPA

A fundamental step in implementing RPA's is the selection of the correct processes, since successful implementation in relevant tasks usually generates an immediate financial return, financing future expansions.

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Creating a sustainable post-Covid-19 world

Covid-19 is also showing that a society actually exists and that no one thrives alone. Companies can, at this time of crisis, add to the reconstruction efforts to leave the world a lasting legacy.

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Governance in business valuation between landlord disputes

Most dissolution disputes focus on the valuation of the business. One of the first steps in the process is the owners' determination to evaluate the business so that they can arrive at an equitable solution. ;

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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