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Create a Digital Transformation Mindset

Currently, a common question in the market is: Why invest in digital? The main answer is to ensure long-term competitiveness. Studies show that organizations that achieve successful digital transformation stand out in their markets and create barriers that hinder competition.

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The challenges of innovation as a core business force

Demands for need-based solutions are innovation challenges, but also the motivating force behind success.

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Is ensuring internal controls crucial to corporate success?

Recent cases of fraud in Brazil, such as scandals involving large companies and financial institutions, have accelerated debates about the limitation of auditing

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Success in M&A is not a mere matter of luck

Driving Success in M&A with Corporate Governance

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Processes and tools for continuous auditing

Have you heard about continuous auditing, sometimes referred to as continuous compliance monitoring?

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How to make a smaller company expand

When running a small business, if you don't know how to make money, your business will die

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New Law No. 14,871/2024: Accelerated Tax Depreciation as an Economic Stimulus

The novelty brought by Law No. 14,871 of May 28, 2024, is the possibility of fully realizing tax depreciation on certain fixed assets in just 2 years

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Accounting in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Accounting in the era of artificial intelligence is undergoing a significant transformation due to technological advancement

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CPRB in April: Changes and Guidelines after the Supreme Court's Injunctive Decision

Minister Cristiano Zanin's preliminary monocratic ruling in the Supreme Court (ADI 7633), which suspended Law 14,784/2023, impacts the assessment of the CPRB in April 2024.

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MP 1.227/2024, which attacked PIS and COFINS credits, was returned by the Senate

Provisional Measure 1.227/2024, dubbed “MP for Compensation”

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TATICCA is a firm that provides external and internal auditing, tax, business consulting and advisory services, corporate finance, training, technology, expertise and investigations, sustainability, risk mapping, accounting and related services. TATICCA is a member firm of ALLINIAL GLOBAL, a global alliance of independent auditing, accounting and consulting entities.

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